
Gelf-Care 30-Day Challenge Day 29: Cawfee Tawk

Gelf-Care 30-Day Challenge Day 29: Cawfee Tawk

Yesterday morning I did well in my spinning class and since I sweat my ass off, I wanted to treat myself to a caramel macchiato from Starbucks. My favorite drink of theirs and one I usually only get if I have a free one on my card. In December I swore off buying coffee out and made it at home every day. Something I’ve wanted to do for a while because I don’t like wasting money on it nor waiting in line for it, but mostly it was the money. :) However, I had gotten into a routine of buying it out and I am happy to say I nipped that in the bud after 30 days (now almost 60 days) and now it feels weird to set foot in a Starbucks, Joe’s or any other coffee establishment.