30-Day Just Say No Challenge Day 23: A Step in the Right Direction

I’m heading home in a cab feeling pretty crappy. All day I haven’t been interested in eating much beyond bland foods and I just want to get home and get into bed.

We hit traffic, but I’m markedly calmer than I was for Friday’s trip to the airport. The ride home from JFK is long, but I can see out the window perfectly. This is key for someone like me who gets car sick easily. Being able to open the window helps, too, which I do on the opposite side of the backseat.

The driver is incredibly nice and friendly. We chat for a while, but unlike most of the time, I’m not interested in making small talk. That’s how you can tell when I don’t feel good. I don’t want to talk to anyone.

We finally make it into the city and I want to get home as fast as possible. I don’t want to repeat what happened with the cab driver on Friday - taking some circuitous route when I know going through the park is the quickest. Normally on my way home, I wouldn’t say anything, but this time is different. My bed is calling me.

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This guy seems nice, so I ask him politely, “Will we be going through the park?”

Much to my surprise and delight, he says, “Yes, that is what Waze is telling me to do, but I will go whichever way you would like.”

I say, “Whatever Waze is telling you is fine with me.”

Then, he repeats, “I’m really fine to go whichever way you’d like. Just tell me. You know this area better than I do.”

I feel like I’m looking in the mirror. This guy is as much of a people pleaser as I am and I appreciate it. I can tell that he really cares.

I say, “No, it’s really fine. Thank you.”

I get home, unpack and hit the hay as soon as I can happy that I said no to worrying about upsetting other people. I could tell that this guy would have bent over backwards for me, so this time, instead of me bending over backwards feeling guilty for asking for what I wanted, I stretched myself and said no to worrying about his feelings and taking care of my own.

What would you have done in this situation? Would you have said anything or kept quiet? Tell me below and if you like what you’ve read, please share it and subscribe below. Thanks!