30-Day Trust Challenge Day 16: We Must, We Must, We Must Increase Our Trust

30-Day Trust Challenge Day 16: We Must, We Must, We Must Increase Our Trust

“I can’t believe you did that,” my BFF says to me. This statement surprises me, but then again, it shouldn’t. I have known Kristen since I was seven, we traveled together in Europe and the U.S. for three months and we lived together in San Francisco for two years. I think she knows me pretty well.

30-Day Trust Challenge Day 15: The Keys to My Success

30-Day Trust Challenge Day 15: The Keys to My Success

“Got MILK?” As my BFF Kristen and I would head out into the San Francisco night, this is what we’d ask each other in the late 90s. MILK stood for Money, ID, Lipstick and Keys. Once we had these four requisite items, we could leave our cares behind.

30-Day Trust Challenge Day 11: How to Shoot for the Stars and Exceed Them

30-Day Trust Challenge Day 11: How to Shoot for the Stars and Exceed Them

Anyone who knows me well knows that I can be pretty fearless when it comes to booking celebrities for my storytelling show, Yum’s the Word. Rather than go the traditional route through IMDB Pro or their publicist, I have been known to ask them in person. The fact that I approach any celebrity in New York City is considered a cardinal sin. Much less ask them to appear on my show.

30-Day Trust Challenge Day 9: Secret, Secret. I've Got a Secret.

30-Day Trust Challenge Day 9: Secret, Secret. I've Got a Secret.

When people who barely know me call me “Rob,” it drives me nuts. That nickname is reserved for my family, close friends and BFF. They’ve earned the right to call me that. Much like trust, you have to earn it over time. However, sometimes you have a good feeling about someone and you trust them sooner than the average bear.

30-Day Trust Challenge Day 8: Get a Room

30-Day Trust Challenge Day 8: Get a Room

My friend Susan texted me yesterday asking if there would be a quiet place for her to make a call when we met up that afternoon. We were going to grab lunch at my co-working space and I assured her that there would be a private room available when it came time for her call.

30-Day Trust Challenge Day 7: Come and Knock on My Door

30-Day Trust Challenge Day 7: Come and Knock on My Door

I was working with a friend the other day and she said something that really surprised me. “It’s amazing that we’re friends because you are worried about someone thinking that you’re lying when you’re not and I have no problem lying.”

My Love/Hate Letter to CVS on Valentine's Day

My Love/Hate Letter to CVS on Valentine's Day

Hello, old friend,

I wish I could say it’s been a while, but, as you know, I just saw you this morning when you wouldn’t let me return something because your systems were down. (Thanks for wasting my time.)

Anyway, that’s not what this is about. We need to talk.

30-Day Trust Challenge Day 4: Trusting is Da Balm

30-Day Trust Challenge Day 4: Trusting is Da Balm

12 years ago I helped a friend who’s a director create two TV spots for his reel. Even though it was spec work (free work creatives do to put some examples of their work in their portfolio or reel), I put it in my portfolio as work that I helped produce. Given that this was over a decade ago, the work was saved on DVDs.

30-Day Trust Challenge Day 2: So Much Baggage

30-Day Trust Challenge Day 2: So Much Baggage

Last fall, I went to the Grand Canyon with my friend, Kambri. (It was a dream trip that helped kick off my 30-Day Challenges starting with “See Ya, Bucko” where I let one thing go every day.) On that trip, I knew that I wanted to be one with nature and soak it all in. I also knew that I’d want to journal and the easiest way for me to do that is on my laptop. However, since I’m tethered to it at least 10 hours a day, I desperately wanted a break from it.

Gelf-Care 30-Day Challenge Day 29: Cawfee Tawk

Gelf-Care 30-Day Challenge Day 29: Cawfee Tawk

Yesterday morning I did well in my spinning class and since I sweat my ass off, I wanted to treat myself to a caramel macchiato from Starbucks. My favorite drink of theirs and one I usually only get if I have a free one on my card. In December I swore off buying coffee out and made it at home every day. Something I’ve wanted to do for a while because I don’t like wasting money on it nor waiting in line for it, but mostly it was the money. :) However, I had gotten into a routine of buying it out and I am happy to say I nipped that in the bud after 30 days (now almost 60 days) and now it feels weird to set foot in a Starbucks, Joe’s or any other coffee establishment.